The curators make the difference. And the focus on process, relationships, and creative
journeys which are often overlooked ingredients of successful shows. AlternativeArt aims to bring you closer to the artist, to open a window onto their daily
struggle, and help viewers gain an appreciation of what goes on behind-the-scenes in the studio, through the ups-and-downs where art is made.
Curators provide the structure and context which allows artists concentrate more directly on meaning in their work. sets in place the framework for this to happen.
JP Delaney is the admin. In the early 2000´s he setup a website to promote communication between artists which petered out over some years
possibly due to a need for greater focus and structure. By teaming up with curators this time can hopefully provide
the necessary framework and vision for a sustained success.
Two reasons principally: 1 ) To champion talented unknown and overlooked artists, young and not-so-young, and provide them the much-needed
boost that recognition offers. 2 ) Present curators a practical, risk-free workspace to test ideas and trial new artists.
Curator contacts AlternativeArt with idea/theme for a show.
Curator posts draft exhibition proposal.
Draft proposal sent to curator-selected artists for comment and invitation to participate.
Artists work with curator to agree and finalize proposal and deadline.
Artists allocated each a separate area to document (the creation of) their work for the show.
Artists add brief plan of work to their allocated areas.
Artists populate allocated areas over time with images/videos and descriptions of work as it progresses.
Artists interact with curator, fellow artists, and public through comments in their respective area.
Curator maintains dedicated section to document overall show news, progress, and impressions on how
exercise is advancing towards deadline.
AlternativeArt publicizes artists´ work-in-progress and encourages public interaction with updates in artists areas.
On reaching deadline, final works are assembled and launched in online exhibition.
As a curator ...answer to follow.
As an artist ...answer to follow.
To provide a compelling alternative to the choices on offer in today´s online art world.
Artworks are for sale and can be bought directly here online ...Howto to follow.